Cottonseed hull

Cottonseed hull

Cottonseed hulls are mainly used for: breeding of edible fungi and medicinal fungi, also available as a feed for livestock. Good carriers of cottonseed hull is the production of edible fungus, white color with its production of edible fungi, delicious; rapid growth, low cost, environmental pollution, cotton seed shell known as the universal medium of edible and medicinal fungi, cottonseed hull as the main advantage of raw materials cultivation of edible fungi: 1, comparative and comprehensive nutrition contained in cottonseed hulls, absorbent, breathable, easy mushroom fruiting. Studies have shown that soluble carbohydrates content in cottonseed hulls at around 22%, total nitrogen content in 0.67%, carbon-nitrogen ratio of 70:1, biological efficiency is more than 100%, is the best raw materials cultivation of most edible fungi; 2, moderate is cottonseed hull crushed granules, mushroom farmers no longer have to conduct operations such as grinding, wet, easy to use, can greatly reduce the amount of labor.

For the convenience of customers, company cotton shell using quantitative automatic packaging for packaging.

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